Class ChampionDownloader


public class ChampionDownloader extends RiotApiHttpClient
This class represents a Champion Downloader that is used to download and retrieve information about champions in the game League of Legends. It extends the HttpClientImpl class.
  • Method Details

    • getAllChampions

      public List<Champion> getAllChampions()
      Retrieves detailed information about all champions in the game League of Legends.
      A list of Champion objects representing all champions.
    • setSkinSplashes

      public void setSkinSplashes(Champion champion)
      Sets the skin splashes for the given champion. Each skin's image is obtained as a byte array using the champion's name and skin number. The obtained image is then set as the skin's image.
      champion - The champion object for which the skin splashes should be set.
    • setDefaultChampSplash

      public void setDefaultChampSplash(Champion champion)
      Sets the default champion splash for the given champion.
      champion - The champion for which the default champion splash should be set.
    • getIconAsByteArray

      public byte[] getIconAsByteArray(Champion champ, String iconNumber)
      Retrieves the icon of a champion as a byte array.
      champ - The Champion object representing the champion.
      iconNumber - The number of the icon to retrieve.
      The champion's icon as a byte array.